Sunday, June 5, 2011

Cuts Like A...

The Young Knives hail from the UK, Leicestershire to be exact and have been around since 1998. Taking their name from a misunderstanding of "young knaves" the band read in a book, they started off calling themselves Simple Pastoral Existence. After the initial name and a split the band reformed as Ponyclub only to change their name to The Young Knives once they signed a record deal. They released The Young Knives...Are Dead in 2002 then dropped their full length Voices Of Animals And Men in 2006. Their first mini album was re-released as The Young Knives...Are Dead...And Some which included EP Rollerskater in 2007 for new fans of the band. In 2008 the band issued Superabundance and their newest album Ornaments From The Silver Arcade was unleashed in 2011. A quirky, fun band that has some clever tunes and lyrics. With jangly guitars and sneered vocals they fit in their niche quite well and are all the better for it. Take a walk:

"Here Comes The Rumour Mill"

"The Decision"

"She's Attracted To"

"Weekends And Bleakdays"

"Terra Firma"

"Walking On The Autobahn"

"Dyed In The Wool"

"I Love My Name"

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